Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Build Your Own Classroom Library

The past two days we've been NWEA testing, and that basically means two days with absolutely no instruction and plopping students in front of a computer for 90 minutes. What do I usually do? Oh, well, I'll walk around and test my skills by mentally completing questions off of students' tests (not sure if that's allowed... so, sue me).

But this time was different. I recently learned about a free online tool that allows teachers to create their own library checkout system. I know my library has shelves of books placed with no rhyme or reason. And, they tend to grow legs and walk off throughout the year.

Students can browse books on the site and see if they are checked out or not. You can even set the number of books and time students are allowed to check out books for. Once they return the book, I have it set up to require students to complete a review form of the book. Other students will be able to read their peers' reviews.

Below is a view of my library. It's still a work in progress, but you get the idea.

Try it for yourself! Let me know how it works out for you!

Link for classroom organizer website: http://classroom.booksource.com/

Until next time,

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